If you are signed up and looking for resources to build your schedule on Career Fair Plus, please go to https://help.careerfairplus.com/en/articles/4208198-recruiter-resources
Looking for the link to Career Fair Plus: https://cfplus.page.link/HtQa
This event is currently full. If you would like to join the waitlist, you can do so and we will connect with you if spots open up.
Hosted by the College Career Center Consortium, this event will provide you access to some of the best & brightest business students across the state of Indiana all at one convenient event.
Career Fair Date:
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 (11:00AM - 3:00PM)
Virtual using Career Fair+
Full Description:
We invite you to register for this exciting career fair!
The College Career Center Consortium will be hosting the 6th annual Indiana Means Business (IMB) career fair, a multi-school Business career fair virtually. This event will provide access to some of the best and brightest business students across the state of Indiana. We realize how busy and hectic the recruiting season can be for your company. Through this event, you will have the opportunity to meet hundreds of Indiana business students.
For our fairs we use Career Fair Plus, a mobile app designed to enhance the career fair experience. The app allows students and recruiters the ability to see which companies are attending and research employers before arriving. Through Career Fair Plus there is the option to be a “Featured Employer.” This pushes your company to the top of the employer list in the app, allows your logo to be shown on the splash screen when students open the app, and encourages the students to click on your company bio.
If you are interested in becoming a Featured Employer, please select “Advertisement/Sponsorship” in the registration form.
Fourteen colleges and universities will be represented at the Indiana Means Business event. Business majors and business-related majors will be in attendance from the following colleges and universities:
* Anderson University
* Butler University
* DePauw University
* Earlham College
* Franklin College
* Hanover College
* Indiana Wesleyan University
* IUPUI - Kelley School of Business
* Marian University
* Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods College
* Taylor University
* University of Evansville
* University of Indianapolis
* Wabash College
Students and alumni from other Indiana colleges and universities will also be invited to attend.
Pricing Options for this fair:
For Profit Employers
Price: $200.00
Government Agencies
Price: $75.00
Not for Profit Agencies
Price: $60.00
NOTE: Cancellations made after October 12th will NOT be eligible for a refund.
Sponsorship Deadline: October 1, 2020
Registration Deadline: October 5, 2020
For more information or questions please contact
Gary Beaulieu, gbeaulie@butler.edu
Emily Hall, halle@wabash.edu